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ClearSky Chart ( Today/Tonight: Old Tunnel State  Park 

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And a Warm Welcome to you from the Hill Country Astronomers as we head into 2025!

Hill Country Astronomers (HCA) is an organization open to anyone interested in astronomy. A group of amateur astronomers founded HCA in August 2011. HCA is an organization open to anyone interested in astronomy. It has members from all walks of life, most of whom live full or part time around Central Texas. Some members are experienced and accomplished astronomers, while others are beginners. Some members have invested substantial amounts of money in astronomy equipment, while others have no equipment at all. No matter what your situation, you are welcome to participate in HCA at whatever level you choose. It is the goal of HCA to fulfill your interest in learning more about the night sky.

Our key objectives include:
  • Encouragement of astronomy and space science through our monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month, and through observing sessions with fellow astronomy enthusiasts
  • Increasing public awareness by attending and help with the organizing of Public Star Parties in the surrounding area

  • Sponsoring observing sessions for the general public and local area schools
We hope you will join us in supporting this great hobby, and encouraging the furtherment of knowledge about astronomy and science for future generations.
To become a member, click on the link Become a Member at the top of this page.
Next Meeting

Monday, March 3rd, 2025 at 6:30pm
Fellowship Hall, Zion Lutheran Church

The regular meeting occurs on the first Monday of the month (with just a very few exceptions
). Also, the location has MOVED from the prior location due to the acquisition of the property by the city of Fredericksburg. The new location is in the Fellowship Hall of the Zion Lutheran Church, 415 West Austin Street in Fredericksburg.

If you cannot, or are reluctant to, attend in person, you may still participate online via Zoom as in the past. The login information has been sent to all members by Raeann. If you are not a member, please contact Ryan Behrends at the email address below for further information on attending the meeting.

Presentation: Astronomical League’s Lunar Evolution Observing Program

Ryan Behrends will present on the Astronomical League’s Lunar Evolution Observing Program. This observing program encourages astronomers to learn more about the moon by exploring the sites of the lunar landings and features from the six eras of Lunar Evolution. Ryan is a charter member and former president of HCA, who has completed multiple observing programs through the Astronomical League. He is a rancher in the Hill Country and in his spare time enjoys astronomy and bird photography.

During our business meeting, we will be discussing past and upcoming star parties, future meeting presentation topics and recent equipment donations to the club.

As an added bonus: for members in attendance, there will be a raffle drawing for a pair of Nikon 10x50 binoculars. Ryan will also be bringing a Meade 10" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (on a fork mount with go-to; early to mid-1990s vintage; all operational) to view to see if anyone is interested in giving it a good home.

Most HCA members live in Central Texas. Some members are accomplished amateur astronomers; others are beginners. No matter your experience level, you are welcome to participate in HCA. Club membership is not required to attend monthly meetings. We hope HCA can fulfill your interest in learning more about the night sky.

For more information, contact HCA president Ryan Behrends at hillcountryastronomers@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you.

Meetings are generally held on the first Monday of the month - any exceptions will be noted here. Each meeting begins with an interesting program related to astronomy presented by club members or guest speakers, followed by a short business discussion.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse

The Weather forecast for the Fredericksburg, TX area was pretty grim, with showers predicted for around 2pm (just 30 minutes after totality. But fortunately, the clouds did open up just a bit, and HCA member, Steuart Dewar caught this picture during a brief parting of the clouds, which shows the Corona as well as huge solar prominences at 2 and 5pm!
The eclipse ended at 2:56pm and less than 30 minutes later it was completely overcast and raining!

Sony RX10M3 Camera at 600mm.

Club Star Parties

Club Star Parties (for members only) are generally held once a month - usually near the time of the new moon if the clear sky forecast is good, and the time varies with the season. The star parties are held near Stonewall, Tx.

Sign in to the Members Only section for the upcoming schedule of Star Parties.

Our members also participate in larger parties (e.g., Texas Star Party, Eldorado Star Party) and provide equipment and support for outreach parties (e.g., Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, LBJ State Park and Historic Site, LBJ National Historical Park, Friends of the Night Sky organizations and local schools).

Copyright © 2025 Hill Country Astronomers. All rights reserved.
Web Page Design: C. E. Steuart Dewar