Image |
Description |
Photographer |
 | The
Rosette Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49) is an H II region located
near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the
Milky Way Galaxy. The open cluster NGC 2244 (Caldwell 50) is closely
associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster having been
formed from the nebula's matter. Telescope: ED127 Flattener/Reducer: .7
Focal Length: 678 Camera: ASI2600MC Pro, 75 exposures of 300s on
2/20/2023.. | Gregg Bellman |  | Messier
33 (Triangulum Galaxy) in the constellation Triangulum.11 hours through
LRGB filters with a 7" Astro-Physics refractor. This version is
slightly cropped and reduced to 50% of the original. | Mark Ward |  | Heart
and Soul Nebulas ( IC1805 and IC1848), a fine pair of nebula in
Cassiopeia. A two frame stitch taken with a Canon 200mm lens, two hours
of integration, 40% of the full data.
| Mark Ward |  | NGC
6888 (Crescent Nebula), a fine emission nebula in Cygnus. 180mm, f9
AstroPhysics Refractor, STT8300 camera operating at -15C, 10
hours through LRGB filters. | Mark Ward |  | NGC 6992 (Eastern Veil Nebula) in the constellation Cygnus,
using an AP Starfire @ F7.5 with an SBIG STT-8300 Camera, 1 red totalling 800 Sec, 1 Green at 1200 Sec, 2 Blue
totalling 2400 Sec, and Luminance @1200 Sec. Taken near KerrVille, TX
on 10/11/2018. | Dick Bobick |  | M 17
(Swan, aka Omega, Nebula) in the constellation Sagittarius,
using an AP Starfire @ F7.5 with an SBIG STT-8300 Camera, 1 red totalling 800 Sec, 1 Green at 1200 Sec, 2 Blue
totalling 2400 Sec, and Luminance @1200 Sec. Taken near KerrVille, TX
on 8/1/2018. | Dick Bobick |  | M42 (Orion Nebula) and M43 (De Mairan's Nebula). EdgeHD 11 at F7 (0.7x Reducer),AP
Mach1/GTO, ASI-1600mc, stack of ten 90 second exposures, processed in Nebulosity and Photoshop, January 13, 2018. | C. E. Steuart Dewar |  | M97 (Owl Nebula) in the Constellation Ursa Major. Using an Astro-Tech
12 RCT @ F8.0 with an SBIG STT-8300 Camera. 1 Red @800s, 1 Green
@1200s, 2 Blue totalling 2400s, and 1 Luminance Totalling 1200s. Taken
near Kerrville, TX on 4/10/2018. | Dick Bobick |  | IC-434
or B-33 (The Horsehead Nebula) with NGC 2023 in the Constellation
Orion. Using an AP Starfire 160 @ f7.5 with an SBIG STT-8300 Camera.
R-800s, G-1200s, 2 B-2400s, L-1200s, near Kerrville, TX, 3/18/2018. | Dick Bobick |  | NGC 7023 (Iris Nebula) in the Constellation Cepheus. Using an AP
Starfire 160@F7.5 with an SBIG STT-8300 Camera. 1 Red @800s, 1 Green
@1200s, 2 Blue, totalling 2400s, and 2 Luminance totalling 2400s. Taken
near Kerrville, TX on 10/17/2017. | Dick Bobick |  | Wide-field image of the Veil Nebula complex, NGC6992, NGC6960, NGC6979, etc. in Cygnus.
Imaged: Nov. 29 & 30, 2016 at Comanche Point Observatory, Ingram, TX Instrument: William Optics WO STAR71, 71mm f/4.9 five element refractor, focal length 350mm Camera: SBIG STT8300M monochrome camera with AstroDon RGBL filters Exposure: 310 mins total, 10min subframe exposures, cooled to -20 deg. C. Combined and processed using MaxIm D/L v. 6.0 and Photoshop v. 7 | Bruce Barton |  | NGC2024 (Flame Nebula) - 4x120s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in Photoshop. | C. E. Steuart Dewar |  | M1 (Crab Nebula) - 7x120s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in Photoshop. | C. E. Steuart Dewar |  | M17 (Swan Nebula) - 10x120s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in Photoshop (from 28-sep-2016). | C. E. Steuart Dewar |  | M27 (Dumbell Nebula) - 10x120s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in Photoshop. 9/19/2016. | C.
E. Steuart Dewar |
(Trifid Nebula) - 5x60s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in PixInsight and Photoshop. |
E. Steuart Dewar |
M17 (the
Swan Nebula) - 5x120s, ASI-1600MC, AP130GTX, AP Mach1/GTO, DeepSky
Stacker, processed in Photoshop. |
E. Steuart Dewar |